English for PTA


The list of causes and types of dizziness is long! A variety of health problems could be behind the light-headedness and nausea associated with dizziness. A more serious condition, known as vertigo could be an indicator for stroke.

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Seite 1/1 4 Minuten

Among one of the common causes of dizziness is orthostatic hypotension, also called postural hypotension. This occurs when standing up too quickly after sitting or lying down for longer periods. It is generally mild and only lasts a few minutes. If it occurs more often, it is important to go to a doctor, which is also the case for other forms of dizziness. Dehydration is another common cause, especially in warm weather as it can cause a fall in blood pressure, which may then lead to light-headedness and fainting. Pharmacy customer: Guten Morgen. Sprechen Sie Englisch?

PTA: Good morning. What can I do for you?
Do you have any OTC-medication for dizziness? You know something I can take just in case?

We have one or two different types. First, though, I’d have to know what might have caused the dizziness, just to make sure it is not something serious.
Really! Why is that?

Although most types of dizziness are fairly harmless, dizziness could also be a sign of something much more serious. Could you tell me a little about your problem, please?
Okay, well I got up this morning and felt very light-headed. I had to sit for a few minutes before getting up. Then after lunch today, I was just about to unlock a door when I felt as if I was going to fall backwards.

And you are not pregnant? Pregnancy is one cause of light-headedness and nausea. Do you have nausea?
No, and I’m not pregnant.

Do you have a headache, or did you have a headache this morning?
No, just this sudden light-headedness both times.

Are you getting enough fluids? A lot of people have problems when it gets warm, as dehydration can also cause fainting. This is caused when you sweat too much and lose a lot of electrolytes. High temperatures can cause blood vessels to dilate, which then leads to low blood pressure.
I have been having some problems with the heat. We moved here recently from Finland and it is taking me time to adjust to these temperatures!

Just one more question: When you were dizzy this morning, did it feel like coming off a carousel?
No, it was more like when you have low blood sugar, do you know that feeling?

Yes, but you are not a diabetic, are you?
No, thank goodness!

To be on the safe side, I’d like to check your blood pressure, we can do it in the back office. Here we are. Maybe you should sit for a while so that we get a realistic reading. I’ll be back in a few minutes, just take it easy until then!
Thank you.

Right! Let’s check your BP. It’s 118 over 77. That’s good.
Good to know!

This homeopathic remedy is well-tolerated and you should feel better after taking it. But please, make sure to go to your doctor if you have any more or more frequent dizzy spells.
I will, thank you. Goodbye!

There you are. Goodbye.

You can find this article at PTA IN DER APOTHEKE 05/18 on page 144.

Catherine Croghan, Lecturer in English and native speaker

dizzinessSchwindel, Schwindelgefühl
nauseaÜbelkeit, Brechreiz
vertigoHöhenangst bzw. Gleichgewichtsstörung
strokeSchlaganfall, Hirninfarkt
postural hypotensionLagerungs- Blutdruckabfall, niedriger Blutdruck
dilateweiten, erweitern
homeopathic remedyhomöopathisches Mittel
well-toleratedgut verträglich