English for PTA


This is a colloquial term used in English for a whole series of fungal infections. The article deals with the most common yeast infection caused by the Candida albicans fungus, which affects approximately 75 percent of women at least once.

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Seite 1/1 3 Minuten

Symptoms include an itching and burning sensation around the vagina and vulva, white vaginal discharge with the consistency of cottage-cheese, and a stinging sensation when urinating. The presence of lactic acid bacteria in and around the vaginal area helps to keep this naturally occurring fungus in check. So, thrush is generally caused by an imbalance of the vaginal flora.

Pharmacy customer: Hello, it’s, well… I eh have thrush.
I’m sorry, I have never heard of thrush?

Another term is Candida.
Oh, I understand, you mean a yeast infection! Is it in your mouth?

I’m afraid not.
Oh, I see. If you like I can try and advise you here in our back office.

Oh, that is very kind. It’s so embarrassing.
How are you sure that you have thrush? Have you had it before?

I’ve had it on and off for several years now. I was hoping that you could recommend over-the-counter products to help.
Yes, we have several products that are excellent in treating yeast infections, but I have to ask you one or two questions before I can recommend anything.

That’s okay, go ahead.
Are you pregnant?

No, and I’m not breast feeding either.
Good. Do you have any lower abdominal pain such as cramps?

No, I don’t.
What consistency does the discharge have?

It’s a bit like cottage cheese.
Okay. So, what do you think might have caused this? You see, the vaginal flora is often damaged through overexaggerated intimate hygiene such as douching and using “hygiene” products that kill off the lactic acid bacteria. Wearing synthetic underwear too often, which causes the area to sweat and stay moist, provides an ideal breeding ground for yeasts: warm, moist and dark.

I think it’s because I had to take a course of antibiotics to help treat a stubborn bout of sinusitis. I took the last antibiotic a week ago.
When was the last time that you had an infection?

As far as I remember it was about two years ago.
And the discharge hasn’t changed, otherwise you’d have to go to a GP or gynaecologist, as a strong-smelling discharge would indicate a bacterial infection.

Do you have those special tablets called vaginal pessaries, also called suppositories?
Yes, we do and they are very effective in combination with this cream which you should apply to the affected area. The treatment should be carried out at least three days, to make sure that the vaginal flora has a chance to recover.

I’ll do that. Thank you for your patience and understanding, you’ve been a great help. Goodbye.
No problem, bye. 

fungal infections Pilzerkrankungen
yeast infection Kandidose, Pilzinfektion
itching and burning sensation juckende und brennende Empfindung
vaginal discharge Scheidenausfluss
cottage-cheese Hüttenkäse, körniger Frischkäse
stinging stechend
lactic acid bacteria Milchsäurebakterien
to keep something in check etwas im Zaum halten, bzw. in Schach halten
embarrassing peinlich
pregnant schwanger
breast feeding Stillen
over-exaggerated übertrieben
douching (hier) Scheidenspülung
moist feucht
breeding ground Brutstätte, Nährboden
stubborn bout hartnäckiger Anfall
otherwise ansonsten
vaginal pessaries/suppositories Vaginalzäpfchen

Den Artikel finden Sie auch in Die PTA IN DER APOTHEKE 10/11 auf Seite 58.

Catherine Croghan, Lecturer in English and native speaker
