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English for PTA


A balmy summer’s evening, enjoying the sundown and good company. Bliss! Well at least it is for some, for others it means watching out for the high-pitched sounds of gnats, midges and mosquitoes.

Seite 1/1 3 Minuten

Seite 1/1 3 Minuten

Minor effects of such insect infestation are a light reddening of the skin in the affected area and a typical itchiness at the site of the sting or bite. The most serious effect is anaphylaxis, a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It may be caused by the venom from a bee sting or a wasp sting. But it’s not necessary to let it come that far …

Pharmacy customer: Hello.
PTA: Hello. How may I help you?

We’re having a barbecue at the weekend and I just heard the weather forecast. Apparently, it’s supposed to stay calm and warm for the whole weekend.
I know, it’s great isn’t it? Do you need sun lotion? Or after sun?

No, not really. I’m here because I need protection from insects. Insect repellent, you know to apply before anything happens.
Yes, of course! Do you have sensitive skin?

No, why?
Some people react to the active ingredients in insect repellent. Which is why we have this sensitive lotion. It contains dexpanthenol and no preservatives.

How long will it provide protection?
Let’s see, it protects you from gnats, mosquitoes and horseflies for up to six hours and from ticks for up to four hours.

No, that’s not enough. We are hiking from a starting point in the forest, and then having the barbecue at a friend’s house. I need something a little longer-lasting.
I see. We have this spray here that is effective for up to eight hours and can even be used in the tropics!

That sounds like the right thing.
Good. You should also think about the clothing that you intend wearing at the weekend.

Clothing? Really?
Oh yes. You see, on the one hand you can protect yourself with this repellent and on the other, you can protect yourself with the right clothing! Because of the warmth, linen in light colours is best for keeping cool. Linen is impenetrable for gnats, mosquitoes and horseflies and if you’re going through the forest on the way to your friend, you should make sure to have longer trousers and longer sleeves to also protect you from ticks.

Now that’s good advice.
We also have this cooling gel to help alleviate the swelling and itchiness if you do get “attacked” in the end!

I’ll take that as well, just in case.
Just one more thing: does anyone in your party have a severe allergy to bee stings or wasp stings?

Yes, I believe the wife of one of my friends is highly allergic to wasps! She’s absolutely terrified of them. Why?
Her husband probably knows if she has an epinephrine auto-injector with her. It’s still a good idea to ask her where she has it, just if the worst comes to the worst.

I will. Certainly.
So here are your purchases, and I have a few free samples for you to try. I’ll put them in the bag for you.

Thank you very much. Goodbye! Have a nice weekend!
You too, thank you.


Buzz off! Schwirr ab!
balmy lau, mild
bliss Wonne, Wohltat
gnats Schnaken
midges Mücken (allgemein)
life-threatening lebensbedrohlich
venom Gift, Tiergift
bee sting Bienenstich
wasp Wespe
insect repellent Insektenschutzmittel
active ingredients Wirkstoffe
preservatives Konservierungsstoffe
horseflies Pferdebremsen
ticks Zecken
linen Leinen
impenetrable undurchdringlich
sleeves Ärmel
alleviate lindern, mildern, abschwächen
if worst comes to worse im Falle eines Falles
purchases Einkäufe
free samples Gratisproben

Den Artikel finden Sie auch in Die PTA IN DER APOTHEKE 06/13 auf Seite 48.

Catherine Croghan, Lecturer in English and native speaker
